Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Followup: the kid who cries blood

Brandi was talking about this story yesterday. There is a kid who, for some unexplained reasion, cries tears of blood. Doctors are puzzled as to why this is happening. I say just go with it! Learn to play the guitar and start a screamo band, you'll be huge.


  1. It's because he's a vampire from True Blood. No other explanation.

  2. Ela moyin Aboru, Aboye, Abosise, It is my prayer for you and your family that you will find the cause of this illness. It is clear that it is troubling and a fearful circumstance. However, you should remain prayerful and know that there will be a remedy for this and your prayers will be answered. May Olodumare(God) take care of your and yours.
    Iyanifa Fayomi Falade Aworeni


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