Friday, December 4, 2009

Why we don't take environmentalists seriously

This guy from the Cornell Cooperative Extension showed up to protest a meeting in Poughkeepsie last night.
Check out the story at

Fatty-Fat Friday!

Enjoy a collection of back boobs this Friday, courtesy of Obsessive Rob

Phoenix on the streets of France

Here's one for the indie music fans... Phoenix playing 1901 in front of the Eiffel Tower in Paris.

The Sex Offender Shuffle

If you're old enough to remember the Chicago Bears' Superbowl Shuffle you'll get a kick out of this one:

Frosty and Neil Patrick Harris mash-up

Take video of Frosty the Snowman and add the words of Barney from How I Met Your Mother and you have one bad-ass snowman:

The 2012 Olympic logo is disgusting

Just add some color and a necklace and the London 2012 Olympics logo becomes Lisa Simpson doing something nasty to Bart. Geez, I can't believe no one saw this before!