Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I want you to be my 1000th Facebook friend!

I noticed this week that I'm closing in on 900 Facebook friends. Not bad for only having a profile since January! I must say my friendship with all of you has been great. All those photos we've tagged together, those pokes, superpokes... and how can I forget about your generous gifts of green beer and mafia wars requests! Good times!

I'd love to bring our friendship to the next level, but I know that it's just not possible to do for everyone. So I have decided that the listener who becomes my 1,000th Facebook friend will automatically be upgraded to real-life friend. Yep, that's right. We can drive each other to the airport, help lug trash to the dump and gossip about our other 999 facebook Friends. I even thought it would be fun to have my new friend sit in on the show in the morning so we can have some extra special time to bond and beome real-life BFF's.

So here's the rules:
1) The 1,000th person to become my Facebook friend will be my real-life friend. You'll come into the studio and hang during the show.

2) You CAN'T un-friend me and then re-friend me. Anyone who is currently my Facebook friend is not eligible, sorry.

3) If you win, you must be on my side forever more... because that's what friends are for!

So good luck, jump over to Facebook and friend me, dammit!

Listener submission: Don't Underage Drink

This poster is great, and you should post it on the site to show kids they shouldn't drink. Because if they underage drink they'll never enjoy a world filled with dogs, soda, flatscreen TV's, Van Helsing and lots and lots of pizza!

-Charles in Ellenville

Britney's back from being back again.

Britney Spears is going out on the road, which I think is the perfect place for a mentally unstable woman with 2 kids. Now, I wouldn't normally post a Britney Spears video - but this rehearsal for her tour is pretty interesting. 1) she's looking pretty good again. 2) she's dressed as an olde tyme lion tamer. 3) forward to 1:12... two words: nipple tassels!

Too bad all of her fans have moved on to Miley Cyrus and no one will see the tour.

Hey, where'd you get that graphic?

Someone at the news was probably lazy and got a Krispy Kreme logo from Google Image Search. Oops!