Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Britney's back from being back again.

Britney Spears is going out on the road, which I think is the perfect place for a mentally unstable woman with 2 kids. Now, I wouldn't normally post a Britney Spears video - but this rehearsal for her tour is pretty interesting. 1) she's looking pretty good again. 2) she's dressed as an olde tyme lion tamer. 3) forward to 1:12... two words: nipple tassels!

Too bad all of her fans have moved on to Miley Cyrus and no one will see the tour.


  1. New phrase to replace "Lipstick on a pig": "Nipple Tassels on Britney Spears"

  2. The nipple tassels are part of a nude outfit. Check out 1:06. You see her back and you can plainly see where the outfit ends midway up her back. Either way, the outfit is ugly.


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