Friday, October 23, 2009

WRRV Boo Ball costume idea REJECTED!

It's Optimus Past-His-Prime:

It's the weekend!!!!!

Keyboard Cat returns...

Keyboard Cat is back to help play off this MSNBC anchor after an unfortunate case of mistaken identity...

Fatty-Fat Friday!

See you at the sorority party!

Balki dishes the dirt on celebrities

Remember Balki Bartokomous? Well, someone decided to interview him for some strange reason and it looks like he's been saving up some nasty things to say about everyone from Tom Cruise (Homophobe!) to Bette Middler (Bitch!) to Denzel Washington (Meany Pants!). Quick, someone go find Cousin Larry... Lord knows what he has to say about Jim Carrey!!!

Link to Balki's rant.