Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Nice try, Goat Boy

Pizza Hut is trying to do some viral marketing by secretly distributing this "outtake" from a commercial being recorded by comedian Jim Breuer. There are a few things wrong with this:

1 - Jim Breuer, really?

2 - Viral videos are supposed to look real. Only professionals move the camera around like that when they are trying to make it look like an amateur is shooting.

3 - Uh, #$%&'n Jim Breuer is the best you could do?

4 - Seriously, you want us to believe that he flipped out because they wouldn't let him take a bite of pizza?

5 - Yeah... Jim Breuer can't act.


  1. Or "jim breuer" ... I don't really find him funny anyway

  2. Another give away that this is a put-on: The way the camera guy knows to follow closely the guy in the apron that Breuer pushes into the pool. If it was spontaneous, and not staged, the guy would have left the frame after being pushed, and then put back into the frame by the surprised camera guy.

    So ... it's a fake "viral" video. Better than most, but still fake.


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