Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Is it Boris or Derek Jeter??

Yesterday, a kid that lives in my neighborhood came running up to me and said that I looked just like Derek Jeter. After looking at some photos, I have to agree. What do you think? I think Derek is a very lucky guy!


  1. Woah,thats cool, you guys do look sorta the alike, huh.

  2. kristalyn hyde park # 1 listenerSeptember 2, 2009 at 11:00 AM

    yea alittle bit. Could be brothers

  3. Boris is over rated
    Jeter is not

  4. gotta say....Love the Yanks and my boy Jeter...but BORIS is the Man. You Have to appreciate what is close to you and is making you laugh every morning with your crappy drives to work. Keep listening and supporting!!!!

  5. hahah wow u guys need to fight to the death
    THERE CAN BE ONLY ONE.....hundson vally raido legend


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