Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Your Dutchess County Fair memories

We want to hear your favorite moment from this year's Dutchess County Fair. Did you get hit on by a carney? Did you see a fat kid throw up next to the rides? Were you permanently scarred by the live birthing tent? Leave your stories below in the comments section!


  1. My sister and I were totally hit on by the greasiest carney at the fair (the one at the balloon game). He gave us stuffed nemo animals and told us that we looked like angels. I would rather have kissed the two headded pig in the freak show!

  2. I saw a man eating an ice cream cone and laughing while his little kid was sitting in a puddle crying because he was hungry. Only at the fair!

  3. The remote controled monkey ran into a little girl in a wheelchair and she screamed. her parents were pissed off and I they were looking around for the guy controlling the monkey but couldnt find him. I think I saw him hiding behind a buliding.

  4. Borris!!! I saw YOU taking a picture of the cow's afterbirth at the 4H tent. IT was disgusting and I couldn't believe you would do that ha ha ha!1!! Thanks for the free tickets to the fair.

  5. Hank the robot or whatever his name in grabbed my daughter's boob. I am assuming that it was not on purpose.

  6. Oh the Fair ! I loved seeing the Heffers (and I dont mean the cows) that Dutchess County has to offer !!

  7. I was drinking a 4H milkshake and some kid came up to me and asked me where to get them. I told him where they were and he gave me a quarter. I lost my s@#$! Who tips people like that? he was only like 12. HAHAHA!

  8. kristalyn hyde park # 1 listenerSeptember 1, 2009 at 1:12 PM

    I visited the WPDH, WRRV, I drank Milkshakes, went on rides with my little sister.

  9. HEY LAURA, his name wasn't HANK THE ROBOT, were you referring to THE MECHANICAL MAN???..


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