Wednesday, August 5, 2009

WRRV Bowl-A-Thon

Thanks to everyone who came out the the WRRV Bowl-A-Thon tonight. Here's a video for those of you who missed it:


  1. I thought that was a guy yelling in the background. Awsome anyway!

  2. Had a great time bowling and listening to live music. Better yet, it was great supporting a fundraiser named for such an outstanding person!!!!!

  3. Awesome time last night!!! Thanks Boris and the WRRV crew!

  4. Great time last night. Had lots of fun for such a wonderful cause. Will this become an annual event?

  5. BORIS, WRRV & THE SICK PUPPIES - Awesome Job last night. The Bowl-a-Thon was great fun!! Look forward to the next annual:) Thanks to everybody for supporting a great cause.


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