Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Paula Abdul "quits" American Idol

Paula Abdul announced yesterday (via Twitter) that she will be leaving American Idol. According to Fox, this was Abdul's decision... yeah right. Word is that Fox has been trying to get Paula off the show for the last two seasons. They realized that the novelty has worn off. Watching Paula high on pain pills trying to piece words together to praise every singer no matter how much they suck has become tiring. I'm speculating that they offered her a contract that was so terrible that she had to turn it down and then Fox never counter-offered and just said that Paula refused to sign for the next season.

Congratulations, Kara DioGuardi, on being the new Paula. Better practice your slurring now.

1 comment:

  1. i can hardly believe Paula is leaving the show; it had to be about the money


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