Thursday, August 6, 2009

Save the earth: pee in the shower

This Brazilian commercial is trying to conserve water by getting kids to pee in the shower. Is this something you do, or do you find it completely disgusting?


  1. Nasty. Can't ever say I've done that.

  2. Well what was I supposed to do? Get out of the shower, put on my bathrobe, go all the way to the other end, come all the way back?

    Ever hear of...holding it in?

    Oh no. That's bad for the kidneys.

    How do you know?

    Medical journals.

    Do the medical journals mention anything about standing in a pool of someone else's urine?

  3. Do it all the time, no big deal. My wife doesn't like when I do this while she's taking a bath though. :-)


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