Thursday, August 6, 2009

Breaking News: Steven Tyler falls off stage

Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler was taken to the hospital early this morning after falling from the stage during a concert in South Dakota.

Tyler fell while entertaing the crowd by dancing around after the sound system failed during the song "Love In an Elevator." He was on the stage's catwalk, tottered backward and fell,. Security rushed to help him and the crowd cheered when Tyler got back up. Later, Tyler was taken backstage and Aerosmith guitarist Joe Perry came out to tell the audience that he was being taken to the hospital and that the show would not go on. We're looking for video of the incident and will keep you posted during the show this morning.


  1. Love in an elevator...livin up while I'm going in an elevator...lovin it up till I hit the...OUCHHHHH!!!!


    found the link, hope it works


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