Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Zack Morris lives!

I know I've been pretty rough on Jimmy Fallon. His show stinks and he's not funny. However, I will give him credit for coming up with a great publicity stunt to get people to talk about his unfunny show. Jimmy is attempting to reunite the entire original cast of "Saved By The Bell". Last night he had Mark-Paul Gosselaar as a guest...in full character as Zach Morris (complete with enormous 80's cellphone). He talked about what he’s been up to since his days at Bayside High School and his romance with high school sweetheart Kelly (Tiffani-Amber Thiessen). He even joined The Roots to recreate “The Zack Attack” band singing a classic Saved By The Bell tune. Nicely done.



  2. Jimmy Fallon needs to be attacked by a pack of emus.

    He is simply, NOT FUNNY, at all.

  3. I don't think Dustin Diamond will ever sign on for it. He hates the fact the no one can see him as anyone other then Screech.


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