Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Didn't finish your work? Send a "corrupted" file!

Do you have a last minute paper due and are too hung over to finish it? Is the boss hounding you to hand in a report that you completely forgot about? A new website has a way for you to buy some more time to get things done. Corrupted-files.com will sell you a genuine corrupted file. You simply rename it, send it and wait to hear from "the man" that they can't open it up. By then, hopefully you'll have enough time to finish up the real file and send it on over with your puzzlement on how the file could have been corrupted. This is a great idea that I wish I thought of back in college.



  1. i've been looking for this for awhile thank you

  2. why buy it, it's easy enough to corrupt a file on it's own...


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