Thursday, July 29, 2010

The most ridiculous Indian music video ever

This weird, old singer in India has produced the most AWESOME video of all time. A description says that he's Indian Michael Jackson, Erik Estrada, James Bond, David Lee Roth, Jean-Claude Van Damme, and John Travolta all wrapped into one. Worth a view if just for the boomarang gun trick (at 3:29).


  1. A lot of artist get even bigger after they die. I don't think this guy will if he ends up getting shot.

  2. I didn't know Jimmy Hart from the WWF was a famous Indian singer.

  3. So he's "Michael Jackson, Erik Estrada, James Bond, David Lee Roth, Jean-Claude Van Damme, and John Travolta"? Well, he dresses as poorly as MJ, has the cheesy hair of Erik Estrada, has a hot chick next to him like James Bond, the acting ability of JCVD, and the chubbiness of Travolta.

    Best part? at 4:45. I guess guns in India shoot an entire cartridge, as opposed to just the projectile that EVERY OTHER GUN IN THE WORLD shoots. You'd think someone would've caught that mistake.


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