Thursday, July 29, 2010

Answers to the movie, Inception?

Brandi and I finally saw Inception yesterday (weeks after everyone else in the world). I don't think it was as amazing as everyone else has said, but it was certainly a great movie with lots to think about. I will admit that I saw the ending coming from the very first scene... and was a little disappointed that I wasn't more surprised throughout the film.

For those of you who are still wondering about the ending, the debate rages on. This guy (spoilers) has a pretty good theory about something I noticed throughout the film... but there is certainly a very good argument against what he's saying. (Link full of spoilers)

Finally, check out this quick video about the musical cues in the movie... It'll blow your mind!


  1. Great. they slowed it down. Awesome. Could've made the vid 30 seconds. heh.

  2. you like that stupid series LOST enough to write all about it and then say a great movie like this was just ok and you had it all figured out. WHATEVER Bosis....LOLOLOL

  3. The last two links go to the same URL.


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