Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Listener submission: Turtle humping a shoe

Hey Boris,
I have to visit your website every day. It's the first thing I do when I get to work in the morning. You need to put this video up, it's the funniest thing I've ever seen.
Your fan,

A turtle humping a shoe? But, of course:


  1. wow.. thats all i really have to say

  2. Awwww it's kind of sad. Poor little guy. Hahahah

  3. It looks like the Turtle wants to climb up on the shoe.

  4. 1. Interesting...my mate sounds just like that when he's, uh...humping a shoe.

    2. The guy laughing hysterically in the background might just be funnier than the turtle noises.

    3. Thanks for the close up of the mini turtle.


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