Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Worst Tattoo Ever

Someone actually put this on their body... permanently.


  1. wow, this is... possibly beyond words. who in their right mind would do something like that?

  2. thats just well.. (insert your own choice word here) up

  3. epic win, this is the greatest tattoo off all time. 9/11 WAS AN INSIDE JOB! WAKE UP SHEEPLE!

  4. I would like to put a couple of 00 buckshots in this jo,s tat.

  5. Nice! Funny and takes alot of guts.

  6. Whatever tattoo artist did that should have it tattooed on his f*cking eyeballs and the guy who wanted it should have the thing removed with a cheese grater.

  7. And to all of you that posted "Nice!! Epic win!!" and " 9/11 was an inside job, wake up, sheeple!", you are just morons. Even if it WAS an inside job, ALL OF THOSE PEOPLE STILL DIED, YOU INSENSITIVE ASSES! You obviously had no loved ones who were in those buildings and to be perfectly honest, how could ANYONE love you people? Cold and heartless jerks. All of you.

  8. And one more thing, anonymous, you meant to spell "this is the greatest tattoo """""OF""""" all time...." If you're going to leave ridiculous comments like that, at least learn how to spell.

  9. In today’s generation express their feelings, thinking through tattoo. Tattoo artist is not responsible for the tattoo______


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