Friday, August 14, 2009

Two idiots try to convert their Hindu friend

I am really hoping that this is a fake video. It's really underscores the reason why other countries hate us... because we're collectively viewed as a bunch of ignorant morons that regurgitate information that people feed us without thinking about what it means or even attempting to learn other people's cultures or points of view. Sarah Palin should be so proud of these two.

If it IS fake, then hats off... sign these kids up for the next season of The Office immediately!

By the way, I converted to Hinduism 5:14 minutes into the video.


  1. I want to smack both of these girls. They need a geography lesson and a history lesson and everything else. I can't believe how ignorant this video is and i REALLY hope it's fake otherwise what a shame.......

  2. @ wahreindia
    yes it z a big question but not hard!! because we've a long long history, we have seen our rise and fall. many of the older traditions of the world have been destroyed but we are fortunate that we have survived...along with this survival, we are still in downfall, having a loose our people are converting to other religions widely. but time had proved our religion, a great religion in the world (e.g yoga, reincarnation...

  3. I don't care if this video is fake or not it's disgusting. People inturpret things the wrong way and this is the type of crap we are trying to get away from. People fear what they don't know and don't understand and that will never change but why add fuel to the fire?

    Maybe these girls thought they were making a quirky video about social awareness but they need to be slapped.


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