Friday, August 14, 2009

Aircheck: Brandi says B**** and loses a listener

I am very upset with Brandi and her potty mouth this morning. So is this very nice listener who was deeply oh-fended.


  1. in a way this doesnt seem real. Sooo. PLease let me know. BEcause if you do say that. its very ofensive, to women, and you will lose me as a listener.

  2. Ha ha! That was funny, bitch! I'm not one for censorship but I do think that language needs to fit the situation. Besides, if you don't like it, you can always turn it off...oh wait a minute...

    Hey Boris, FYI your radio station is banned from my district's school buses! Ha ha! I think they listen to WHUD or K104 now.

  3. Let them go! They don't like it they can leave!

  4. Haha, I was listening this morning, I missed this part though, haha crap. How do people get offended by that though? My god. Take a joke and stop taking things so personally. And I really dont think boris cares if you or your son doesnt listen to WRRV to see if he's off from school in the morning...nice attempt though.

    In more important news, everytime I request a song, it does not get on the air within the hour, is this normal because there are so many requests or do the DJ's just play what they want?

    Great morning show guys, keep it up!

  5. Spoilds, your grammar is very offensive to me and you will lose me as a reader if you don't improve.

    (JK, but really, girl, fix that up a bit.)

  6. Wow why do ppl always have to act like there is a pine cone shoved up your butts. Everyone is just so puritanical. Just ease up. It's a joke and Boris is funny.

  7. that sounds so fake but still funny. if you don't like it don't listen it's not like that's the best radio station in the world


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