Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Seacrest or Boris?

Can you figure out which fat kid grew up to host American Idol and which one now hosts a crappy local morning radio show?


  1. Seacrest on the right, if for no other reason than the dating of the clothes.

  2. Seacrest on the right.

  3. It has to be you on the left. What may look like a brown sweater is really the pre-pubescent stubble growth of your emerging gorilla body hair. Seacrest wasn't fat. He was "pleasantly plump" with those squeezable cheeks only now we are not sure which ones and by whom.

  4. idk, but it appears you both went to the same optometrist...

  5. You're on the left-- and you are still just as cute!

  6. seacrest is on the right...i mean, look at the hair! ha!

  7. Is it just me, or does Seacrest look slightly evil there???

  8. LMAO Boris. I think it's you on the right - but I just posted to say the morning show IS NOT crappy. Dani from Dover


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