Thursday, June 11, 2009

Jessica Alba defaces property in the name of sharks

Jessica Alba is filming a movie in Oklahoma City and somehow got hooked up with some wacky animal rights group that's trying to raise awareness for the plight of killer sharks. The other night, Jessica went with the group on a covert operation to put up posters of sharks all over town. These posters don't have any slogans or messages on them, they're just pictures of sharks. I'm not sure how this raises awareness of anything... but that's not the problem. The real issue is that Jessica Alba glued these posters on private property, including a BILLBOARD FOR THE UNITED WAY! The United Way has said that they will have to use their own money to replace the billboard thanks to Jessica's reckless activity. How did they know that Jessica Alba is to blame? She posted these pictures of herself putting up the posters! Way to incriminate yourself!!!

Look how proud she is of herself. "Wheeeee! I put a picture of a shark on a billboard. I'm saving the world!!!!"

The Oklahoma police now want to question Jessica Alba. She has released an apology and promised to pay back the United Way. Man, it's a good thing that she's so hot.


  1. Get your facts straight moron!!! They will not use there own money....she will pay to have it replaced that was released in another statement by The United Way!!! No one is pressing charges against her and boo freakin' whooo, she did something spontaineous, not we all have done at some point in our lives. You think that just because she is in the spot light and makes movies that she is immune to making mistakes....get over yourself and get a job!!

  2. Easy buddy! Your facts and my facts are exactly the same. Read the post again before turning on the flame...


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