Monday, June 15, 2009

My weekend at the beach

I was down at the beach this weekend, but before I went I had to do my yearly shave-down. If you've ever been to a station event you know that I'm a pretty hairy guy. I'm so hairy, that if I don't trim down the arm and leg hair it's practically impossible to apply suntan lotion. Plus, if I go swimming small children could get tangled in my hair and drown... so, really, it's a safety hazard.

This year I decided to document the amount of hair that came off. It's a pretty big pile. And I'm not sure where that grey one came from... that's kind of freaking me out. My wife suggested that I put the hair ball in the yard so the birds could use it for a nest. Either they did, or the neighbor stole it to sell on Ebay. Either way, it was gone yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. Right now a small child in Khazakhstan is using your mound of hair to scrub pots and pans


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