Monday, June 15, 2009

Is Kate neglecting her kids?

I don't want to pile on to the "everyone hates Kate" movement, but all of the news outlets are talking about how she is now abusing her kids because she won't give them any water. Kate and the kids were doing a press junket (I assume Jon was out on a date with some high school girl or bound with duct tape in the back of Kate's minivan). The lights were pretty hot, and after an hour or so of interviews the 8 kids were understandably thirsty. Well, this video shows Kate asking for water for herself while the kids are begging her for a drink. She ignores them and drinks her own water. I don't have kids... but if someone hands me water and a kid is asking for a drink even I give it to the kid first.

1 comment:

  1. I guarantee if other parents were constantly videoed, you'd see much worse! Seriously, I am sure her kid will survive!


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