Sunday, June 7, 2009

My Jeep is so cool, the deer are even attracted to it

If you're my friend on Facebook or are following me on Twitter, you heard that I hit a deer with my new Jeep on Saturday. Luckily, I was driving slowly and the damage was just to the front hood. I'm fine, by the way... thanks for asking.

Some observations:

1 -When you hit a deer, people are more concerned with the well being of the deer than you. I don't know how many times people have asked about how the deer was before inquiring about me or my car. The stupid animal ran into ME... I didn't go hunting him down!

2 - Insurance companies have a sense of humor. I'm on the phone a few minutes after the deer hit and the agent is laughing at me because I haven't even had my first oil change yet. Thank goodness I'm not one of guys who is obsessed with his car, otherwise I think I might have been offended by the laugh at my expense.

3 - When you drive around town with deer fur hanging out of your hood, people get out of your way pretty fast.

I'll fill you in on the rest Monday morning.


  1. as stated on Twitter: when will you be giving out cured venison jerky for the WRRV contests?

  2. You got lucky - Here is what happened to our week old Honda Civic. My wife was driving to a doctors appointment when a deer came off the top of a rock cut adjacent to the road. The deer landed right in front of the car. It dented the hood and driver side panel. It cleared the windshield. Landed on the roof and dented the roof framing and finally hit the trunk denting it as well. My wife claimed the car was cursed and wanted to trade it in. But, we kept the car and had no major problems with it for ten years when we sold it.

    So considered your Jeep christened. May it provide you with many great miles.

    Oh by the way. My wife is fine, we do not know about the deer. It limped off into the woods and no one could find it.

  3. dose the anumal kingdom hate up and wheres my exploseive pies that i orderd from u


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