Friday, June 5, 2009

Caption Contest

Leave your caption in the comments section below


  1. All of this just so some guy could have a horse head mounted on his wall!

  2. I really thought he would make it over the wall.

  3. Remember be VERY CAREFUL where you stand when reviewing this piece. It's like the person looking up at a bird in the tree and POW!! Instant hot meal.

  4. Well, the head ended up in Woltz'z bed, so now we know what happened to the body.

  5. Always know when you have been somewhere for too long.

  6. Charlie the horse attempted to sneak out of the house for a rendezvous with a young phillie named Julia. Little did he know that Mr. Perkins was holding a dinner party right outside his window.

  7. howd the horse get on the wall

  8. Its looks like he took 3 dumps and is avoiding the smell

  9. and at the wire, it's An D. Bore-is, by a neck, winning this weekend's Belmont Stakes

  10. "I said I wanted a horse show featuring horse art... NOT horse fart."


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