Thursday, May 28, 2009

My latest obsession: Awkward Family Photos

When I was in high school, I stole a family photo from my friend's house. It was a picture of mom, dad and the kids at Medieval Times. The family were all wearing plastic crowns, none of them were smiling and it was the most surreal thing I had ever seen. I made glossy 8X10 copies of the photo and would replace the family photos at my friends' houses with this masterpiece when they weren't looking. I wish I still had a copy, because it's exactly the type of thing you can see on my new favorite website: Awkward Family Photos


  1. Funny! And what were these people thinking? Some highlights:
    The Choker
    The pile on

  2. oh my gosh, I just found this a few weeks ago and I am OBSESSED!


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