Thursday, May 28, 2009

A citizen pulls over a cop for speeding

This guy's got some stones! Have you ever seen a cop obviously speeding for no reason, without his lights flashing? It's kind of frustrating, because the law states that police have to obey the same traffic laws that we do, but who's going to do anything about it? Well, this guy had enough so he decided to chase down a speeding police officer and pull him over!

First of all, the guy filming the video is an obnoxious jerk. He was pretty disrespectful to the officer etc, etc... but you do have to admit that he was right. It's obvious the officer wasn't going out on a call, and there was no reason for him to be driving dangerously fast. Still, don't try this yourself!
***NSFW - strong language***


  1. To be honest with you, police are instructed at the academy to drive above the speed limit. Ever see a cop on the road in a marked unit? NO ONE passes him. If a cop maintains the speed limit, traffic will clog up and you have an instant nightmare. So, police are supposed to drive a bit above the limit to keep traffic flowing freely.
    I haven't seen the video yet (damn work filters) but 'citizen's arrests' don't include traffic violations. If the guy doing the traffic stop didn't get arrested for it, he's damned lucky.

  2. That guy was such a douche, I was kind of hoping it ended in police brutality.

  3. Save your time VOC, nothing too exciting happens. The cop pretty much acts like he knows he's busted and tries to avoid the kid. I respect cops, but I do think this guy has a point. Yeah, maybe speeding a little bit for the reason you say, but 80-90 when there's no emergency? It's like telling kids do as I say not as I do. That is a little frustrating.

  4. Police may drive slightly above the speed limit but not 90! The kid is an asshole but he is absolutely right. People should be allowed to pull over cops every time they see them doing this.

  5. OK, maybe not pull them over but they should report it and the cop should be held accountable just like everyone else. A car can be as dangerous as a weapon. If a cop shoots a bullet he needs to justify it with a very good reason. If a cop pushes 90 he should also have a very good reason! How about putting a black box in the car and making the cop justify any high speeds that are logged?

  6. Well, police are also considered "expert drivers", and can testify in court as an "expert witness" when it comes to driving. I'm not saying there's always a reason for excessive speed, but just because a cop isn't going lights doesn't mean that he's not responding to something important.

  7. Just because a police officer is driving without lights on does not mean he is not going to an important call. It is often easier to negotiate traffic especially on route 9 without lights and siren then it is with them. When you put them on people panic and dont act properly clogging up traffic and slowing response. Dont always assume you know whats going on.

  8. wow that was funny that cop should have run this guy over.


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