Thursday, April 30, 2009

Please send Jen a message of support

As you know; my very dear friend and former co-host, Jen, has been fighting cancer for a long time. Recently, the fight has gotten even tougher. Many of you continue to ask about Jen at station events, and she is always thrilled to hear that the WRRV listeners still remember her and wish her well. Right now, Jen and her family could really use some words of encouragement.

Please visit this website and leave a message of support. Sharing a memory about something you remember Jen doing on the air, or meeting her at a station event would do a lot to brighten her day. And, if it's possible, please also consider making a donation to help with the outrageous medical bills that have been piling up ever since Jen left the airwaves.




  1. Jen,
    You are the best! Loved you on the air!! Be well and know we are thinking about you!! Take Care.

  2. Borris You need to do a best of "Jen" Music all morning show. She was one of the best co-host you ever had.

  3. I agree she was one of the best that you've had on the morning show. I remember you shaving your head. Thank you for the web link, glad to hear that she is still fighting!


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