Friday, April 3, 2009

Marc Ballas REALLY likes dancing

I don't watch Dancing With The Stars, but I do know that contestant Shawn Johnson is only 17. So I won't comment any further on how excited her dancing partner, Marc Ballas, is to be doing the cha-cha-cha with her.


  1. I'm not certain if he was excited about dancing with Shawn Johnson, or just dancing!

  2. it's SQUIRREL MAN!!! only a Ron White fan will know what that means!

  3. "it's SQUIRREL MAN!!! only a Ron White fan will know what that means!"

    So I guess your the only one that gets that joke then...

  4. It's just his lunch. He's on the banana diet.

  5. Uh. 17 is the age of sexual concent in New York. It's all good.


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