Friday, April 3, 2009

Fatty-Fat Friday!

Pizza party!


  1. Oh my! Where do you find these things???

  2. "My friends want to go out for sushi tonight, so I thought I'd have a light snack first."

  3. You know those are actual people in these pictures. Its mean to make fun of them like this.

  4. "You know those are actual people in these pictures. Its mean to make fun of them like this." = FAT!!!

  5. "You know those are actual people in these pictures. Its mean to make fun of them like this"

    Since when is it a Constitutional right to have people not be mean to you? Grow up and realize the world you're in. This woman is doing this to HERSELF. If she doesn't want to be made fun of, trade the pizza for a salad, exercise, and buy clothing that fits.


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