1 - Is Locke now the smoke monster? Locke disappears, the smoke monster appears. Lock appears, the smoke monster disappears. Kind of like Clark Kent. Is it possible that Locke, Christian Shepard, Claire and Kate's horse are all actually the smoke monster? Is the monster taking some sort of human form to help lead the living in protecting the island? I really hope the smoke monster is explained a little better in the future. Why did it kill the pilot? What did Locke see in the monster way back in season 1 that made him a believer in the island?
2 - See ya, Caesar! Hey, at least you didn't get bitten by some rare spider that paralyzes you!
3 - "What lies in the shadow of the statue?" Wha? So I'm thinking that these people didn't just happen to be on the plane with Jack and company. They're on the island for a reason, and they've got a big metal box to prove it. Are they sent by Widmore or do they have a different purpose? The way they were preparing to carry it with the long bamboo sticks kind of made it look like a sarcophagus or ark. Could the statue they're talking about in their code phrase be the 4-toed Egyptian statue? If it is, we know that the well lies in the shadow of that statue... you know, the well where the giant wheel is buried!
4 - We now know why Widmore was banished from the island. He was getting it on with Ellie off-island and had a kid (Penny or Faraday?). But was he really tricked somehow by Ben? In a past episode Widmore talks about how he was exiled from the island and it was Ben's fault. Was Ben protecting Alex by banishing Widmore and keeping the island hidden?
5 - Ethan pops up next to Ben during their mission to kill Rousseau. According to past episodes, Alex was kidnapped before the purge happened. So Ben and Ethan are still living with the Dharma Initiative and sneaking out to see the Others for secret missions? Richard told Ben that he could still be one of them without living among them.
6 - Ben tells Sun that "dead is dead, even on the island". Ben also told Locke that he knew that he would come back to life, that's why he murdered him. So who is he telling the truth to? Is it a little of both? Was Ben hoping Locke would come back to life, but wasn't quite sure? And (back to #1) Is Locke really dead?
There's lots more to talk about, like why Desmond didn't die and what's up with those whispers? Let's continue this in the comments section, I have a show to do!
All good questions. It was an excellent episode. I just started coming to your blog about LOST because I heard about it on the show.
ReplyDeleteAnyway IDK how it really works here meaning we comment on what you say or if we also propose questions :D. But I have been intrueged about something for quite some time now. Who is Richard Alpert? What I find interesting is they NEVER change his age. They show the different stages of Ben's and Charles' lives but Richard seems to be a constant age. It just makes me curious as to who he really is.
Cannot wait till next week!
Kyle, Hey - welcome to the website! I'm just as clueless about Richard as you are. Some have suggested that he may be some sort of Egyptian god or something becauwse of his creepy eyeliner. That would make sense with the huge statue and the symbols that are all over the island. I guess we'll have to wait and see on that one.
ReplyDeleteWhat I found interesting was that Widmore wanted Alex dead. Also, Ben is allowed to live even though he effectively killed Alex. That leads me to believe that the island "needed" Alex to die. Perhaps her death causes Ben to do something in the future? Maybe Alex herself did something important in the future that may have threatened the island? If that was the case perhaps that's why Widmore wanted her dead, but how would he know the future?
ReplyDelete1 – I think the smoke monster killed the pilot because he wasn’t supposed to be the pilot. When Locke first saw the smoke monster, he didn’t see it as a smoke monster. He saw a bright light.
ReplyDelete2 – They didn’t actually show him dead. They showed him getting shot. The guys that reported him dead were not with that group. I think that group is sent by Widmore.
3 – The statue has to be the one of Anubis. What is in the box, or what will be in the box is the question.
5 – How did Ethan end up on Ben’s side? Was the mission to kill Rousseau or baby Alex? I thought hippy, long, curly-haired Widmore told Ben he could be one of them and not live among them. I have to re-watch this one.
6 – With things like that you never find out what Ben was thinking or if he was being his version of truthful. Even when he’s truthful, he’s usually holding something back. How could he not know about them in that picture. He’s been there since he was 12 and lived with them, but he suddenly forgets a smoking hot Kate and big man Hurley? Please if anybody stands out to a 12-year-old boy, it’s a hot older chick and a fat guy hanging out.
I don’t think Ben knew Locke would come back. Alex told him not to betray Locke and that she knew he was planning to.
7 – When Desmond went to see Widmore, he told him to take Penny back where he was hiding her and keep her safe. He warned Desmond that he wasn’t the one after him anymore and that they were in danger. I think he was wearing a vest. Also the whole thing about the island not being done with him. There was no blood when he got shot.
One more thing: the picture you chose is from inside the smoke monster's den (for lack of a better term) and it appears to show Anubis controlling the smoke monster.
Ben doesn't remember Jack, and the crew from the darhma group because of how the Hostiles saved him, They told Kate and Sawyer if they were to save him it would change him and he wouldn't remember anything.
ReplyDeleteThe smoke monster is whoever the person needs it to be, and whomever the person will listen to, It was Alex for Ben b/c she is the only person he every really cared about that we meet other then that little girl. I agree it killed the pilot b/c he was not meant to be the pilot that day. Locke I doubt is the smoke monster, he had never done anything evil before coming to the island, he was always a good man, never hurt anyone, people hurt and used him, which is why i believe he was spared when he first met it.
ReplyDeleteEven if he did forget them back then, why did he never recognize them from the picture on the wall in the camp he just spent the last 30 years living in.
Also, why the hell are the pictures still up??? Jack's father took it off the wall and it was supposed to be present day. So they took over the camp, killed everyone and decided they liked having pictures of the Dharma Initiative (their enemies) on the walls???