Thursday, April 9, 2009

Billy Bob Thornton's awkward interview

Billy Bob Thornton goes all "Joaquin Pheonix" on a radio host in this extremely awkward interview.


  1. This is just uncomfortable to watch. He must be on drugs or something! I can't get through the entire clip!

  2. Totally faked... you can tell by the heavy pre-production and editing... there are cutaways of billy bob giving an akward face at the "perfect" time. My guess is it's a spoof... and I don't know about you Boris, but what DJ has that many cameras in their studio?

  3. someone's been celebrating 4/20 a little early

  4. he's pissed the dj opened by talking about his acting and not the he started acting.. the whole "famous monsters of filmland" story is diolog from one of his movies... needless to say he droped the tour with old Willy becouse the maple leafs were wining about the interview..."mashed potatoes without the gravy"


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