Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Britney Spears: the meltdown begins!

I hate to say I told you so... but putting Britney Spears out on the road was just asking for disaster.

Last night, while Britney was performing in Tampa, she had one of her oh-so-boring wardrobe malfunctions... this time her pants seemed to move a little too far to the side during her performance of Slave 4 You. Being the professional that she is, she made sure not to draw attention to it and quietly fixed the problem. HAHAHAHA! Who are we kidding? She pulled and twisted at her crotch and yelled to the stagehand, "My P**** is hanging out!"

Of course, her mic was on.

Of course, we have the video.


  1. What a typical, high classed response!!

  2. I think she was talking about how her pet cat got loose from her dressing room

  3. To post a comment we should see the video....


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