Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Brandi's crush: Mark Ruffalo

We were talking about the list released by of the celebrities on top of everyone's "Sex Pass List". You know, the list of people your allowed to sleep with even though you're in a committed relationship. I don't play this game, because I know if I ever met Olivia Munn or Evangeline Lilly and somehow they wanted to sleep with me (could happen!) my wife would have none of it - list or not.

Anyway, IF Brandi was in a committed relationship she said her one pass would be for Mark Ruffalo. Yeah, I didn't know who he was either. But after looking at a photo of him he looks like the love child of Joe Rogan, Johnny Knoxville and the gay brother on Six Feet Under.

What do you think, ladies? Hot or not?


  1. He's so hot! And he seems like such a sweet guy! Good choice!

  2. um.....ewwwww....ewwwww....seriously.....ewwwwwwwww! squirrel Boris is right on this one...this guy is gross


  3. I have thought he was Super Sexy and HOT Since "13 Going on 30"!!! I am with you Brandi!
    The Picture could have been a lot better...


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