Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I'm still on vacation

I'm sitting here relaxing before dinner and thought I'd check in and let everyone know I'm still alive. I won't go into detail about the 80 degree weather, the amazing beers and food or the massage I got today because I don't want to piss everyone off. But if you're really interested you can always check in with my status updates on facebook. Thanks to Brandi and Simon for holding down the fort... Enjoy the snow closings tomorrow!


  1. Damn you Boris! Uh...I mean...80 degree weather? That sucks for you. I know you're jealous that we're about to get another wonderful snow storm. Na naaaaa!

  2. Have the Osso Bucco at the Orlando Ale House on Orange Blosson Trail (good beer selection as well). Just be careful, after dark- nothing but hookers...

  3. That pool in the backround looks like the Dolphine or the Swann hotel

  4. And to think I was starting to miss you!!!!

    GO ahead and enjoy the nice weather while you can!!

    Also I want full reports of the beer and food!!


  5. Yikes, get a pedicure!


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