Tuesday, December 2, 2008

WRRV Beard Growing Competition - Week 2

So, this is the end of Week 2 in the WRRV Beard Growing Competiton and things are getting, ahem, hairy. Remember, this a contest to see who lasts longest without shaving, not who can grow the longest beard.

From left to right: Shmonty, Simon, Boris and Jeremiah from our promotions department.

The Miracle Grow that Shmonty has been using as aftershave seems to finally be working.

Just for the record, here's the photo from week 1:

And the photo from the start of the contest:


  1. You all look homeless.

  2. Wow. *Someone* needs hormone therapy.

  3. Um....who's the guy who cheated and started the contest already with a full beard...he should be disqualified! No itchies...not fair!

  4. I kinda like the old page but............ I listen to you everyday anyway!!

  5. Definitely not fair - Simon started with a full beard.


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