Tuesday, December 2, 2008

What the hell happened to the Music All Morning page?

I've always hated blogs. Anyone with half a brain can set up a blog and start babbling about anything... from what they're eating for breakfast to the contents of their desk drawer. It's boring. No one cares! Why does everyone think that they're such a big deal? Hell, even Al Roker has a freakin' blog! What the hell is AL ROKER writing about? "This morning I laughed at another one of Matt Lauer's lame jokes... hey, is that a cheesecake?" Guess what... NO ONE CARES!

Why can't someone intelligent write one of these blogs? Someone who has their finger on the pulse of what interests me? A blog with less photos of fat ugly celebrities and more videos of Japanese people eating marshmallows off of strings. A blog that's written in the voice of a Hudson Valley Radio Legend! And that's when it hit me... My intern could do it!

So welcome to BlogOfBoris.

The old Music All Morning website was a pain in the a** to update. Reformatting tables, inserting links and using insane html codes has prohibited me from being able to make musicallmorning.com as great of a website as I think it should be. And, most importantly, there was no room on the page for you to comment on things. Look, I get to say what I think all morning, now it's your turn to let me know what you're thinking about! (and that makes even less work for me, too - hell, I may even steal some of your ideas and pawn them off as my own on the air). Plus, now I can embed videos and use larger scale photos so you don't have to spend your morning closing all of those windows that have popped up on your desktop before your boss walks in on you and wonders why you're staring at a photo of some lady holding an obese cat instead of doing your work.

I hope you enjoy BlogOfBoris. If you have any suggestions, drop a comment on the bottom of this post. Smell ya later.


  1. Boris, your the best!!!!! Looks like this blog may be better than the old website. I hope you keep this thing updated. And Pleazzze We want pictures of Brandy!!!!!!!


  3. Oh no, I am a blogging maniac - so I'll have to add this to my daily links.

    Although since I have no way of listening to your show ... I'll be lost probably.

  4. Blogs are for high school kids and freaks. go back to the old page.

  5. I hate the new page. You said you changed it so noone gets caught looking at stupid stuff at work, but nobody has a job anymore, so you don't have to worry about it. Bring back the old page, we need something entertaining during these hard times.


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