Friday, December 12, 2008

The top 20 cakes not made by Duff

I like watching that "Ace Of Cakes" show on Food Network. Not because I'm into cake making, but because I think it's pretty inspirational to see a bunch of stoners start a business that they were obviously high while creating, and become a huge success. Seriously, I get a contact high while I watch that show. That Geoff guy always looks soooooo stoned. And the fat Hawaiian looking girl spends 5 hours making fake lettuce for a hamburger cake that falls apart and she doesn't even care. I can guarantee you that the cakes aren't the only things baked at that place!

Anyway, here are some pretty awesome cakes that were NOT made by the stoners at Charm City.

1 comment:

  1. HAHAHA! You are so right. Every time I watch that show I tell my girlfriend that they are totally stoned!!!!


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