Friday, December 12, 2008

Horray for youuuuuuu!

This is a REAL infomercial.

If you're depressed and suicidal, don't you think that spending $25 on a recording of someone you don't know saying how great you are over fake applause would put you over the edge? I know it comes with "3 puzzle shaped affirmity tokens" but it probably should also come with a hose to attach to your tailpipe.


  1. That's really sad. I think I just died a little inside.

  2. OMG..the s**t they come up with now. You really have to be one pathetic individual to buy into that one...whats next?

  3. I just called the number, expecting it to be a joke, but unfortunately, it isnt.

  4. I'm glad Jim Carey's little brother finally found some acting work. Good job!

  5. Makes you wonder who actually bought this.


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