Friday, December 5, 2008

O.J. Gets 15 Years...

This just came over the wire... OJ has been sentenced to at least 15 years in prison. He could get out in 9 years, but he will be spending all of that time in jail. He was convicted for armed robbery, kidnapping and assault. But as Seth Myers on SLN said, "really for murder".

The latest from CNN

Update: OJ is sorry... that's good enough for me, we can just let him go now, right?


  1. It's about time! GOOD!!!!

  2. He did a better acting job in Naked Gun. Nordberg is going to jail!

  3. I don't understand why he's going to jail for this? Looks like people just wanted to get him on something because the DA screwed up 20 years ago.

  4. yo Boris you gotta be kidding me OJ is a murderer and you want him 2 just be let go. and your cat story and sounds was the most annoying thing ive ever heard in my life you wouldnt shut up!!!!! about it and do your job playing music for the people and every morning you always whine and complain , why won't you ever smile and tlk positive instead of sounding like a negative low life

  5. Anonymous poster above: It's sarcasm. Which, if that's what you've written your post with, you are quite good at! If not, that means you don't really understand sarcasm so I will say this to you: You are very smart to observe that I am a negative low life and never smile. Thanks so much for the post, you've really given me something to think about.


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