Friday, December 5, 2008

Happy 75th anniversary of the end of prohibition!

Today marks 75 years since the end of that horrible social experiment called Prohibition. What better way to celebrate than picking up a 6 pack on the way home or stopping by your favorite watering hole for a tasty beer with friends!

While we've come very far, we still have a way to go... some states still have crazy laws on the books that limit people's rights on what they can drink and where they drink it. And some organizations that promote themselves as being against drunk driving are actually fronts for campaigns that would like to ban alcohol all together. There is some news in the other direction, however... this year congress has discussed the possibility of putting together a bill that would actually lower the drinking age from 21 back down to 18. We'll have to see what happens, but for now let's raise a glass to the freedom to be able to raise a glass!

Check out for a little more history on prohibition and suggestions on how to celebrate today.


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