Friday, July 23, 2010

Fatty-Fat Friday Caption Contest!

Caption contest time! Enter yours in the comments section below:

Some to get you started:

Doctor, will I ever ride the unicycle again?

Your results are back... you're cholesterol is slightly high.

I'll have the chicken wings with a side order of chicken wings

Did you see Nurse Harris? She came in here an hour ago to give you a sponge bath... "hmmfh! hmmfhh!!!! hmmmfh!!!!"


  1. Doc, I think I need a head enlargement.

  2. Fat man in a little gown!

  3. Come on, can't you at least use a bigger towel to cover my junk? You are making things look out of proportion.

  4. Be honest with me doc. Does this shirt make me look fat?

  5. Doc, I think have a self-image problem. My image won't fit in any mirror.

  6. So... what time is lunch?

  7. Can you please tell that guy to stop taking my picture? I'm a little sensitive about my weight.

  8. "Um... I woudn't touch my stomach if I were you".

  9. Hey, Hey, Hey, It's Fat Albert.

  10. Yea doc, I have been on the sea food diet but can't loose weight... everytime I see food-- I eat it....

  11. You dont have to say you told me doc. You were right when you said that eating all those bwling balls was gunna go to my thighs.

  12. You dont have to say I told you so, doc. You were right when you said that eating all those bowling balls was gunna go right to my thighs.

  13. I recommend that you start putting skim milk in your coffee, instead of mayonnaise.


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