Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Hayley Williams from Paramore posts topless pic

Hayley Williams, lead singer of Paramore, posted this photo on her Twitpic account over the weekend (without the blurry boobs).
Afterwards, she claimed that her account was hacked and someone else posted the photo. I can see how someone could hack her account... but how would they get a hold of the photo? Sounds like someone did some drunk-Tweeting and is now doing damage control. Don't drink and Tweet, kids!


  1. She looks hammered in the pic! I don't use twitter, but unless there is file storage in your account, someone would've had to have the pic AND your password. She totally sent that pic out on her own. If it weren't so easy to find the actual pic online, I'd be pissed I wasn't on Twitter.

  2. Thank you Hayley. Sincerely, my trousers.

  3. She's a hottie <3 and she's a great singer.. and an adult!.. plus i've seen worse. (cheers for boobs)


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