Friday, April 16, 2010

Jesus: "Well hung" in more than one way?

A church in Oklahoma is in hot water over this cross that's hanging over the altar:

A local artist created the image, and claims that it's six-pack abs, much like "The Situation", that appears on Jesus' stomach. Some church-goers aren't buying it. They believe it's a huge penis sticking out of Jesus' loin cloth - again, much like "The Situation"... You be the judge.


  1. i see jesus' weenis!

  2. Well.. the Romans crucified you naked.
    It was a pretty humiliating way to go.

  3. First of all if that was six pack abs they sure would not be in the middle of Jesus' chest. I believe that the artist who made this was not thinking. Abs go from side to side not up and down. I think that the church should reconsider this and take down that cross. What was the artist really thinking when making the cross?

  4. The artist didn't intend it to look like a penis. The church should get their money back though cause unfortunately, Janet isn't a very good artist. Bad capture of light and contour. and yes jesus did have a penis and he was crucified naked (no loin cloth) so if you want to be accurate then all depictions of the crucifix should be naked.

  5. Take his body into your mouth


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