Thursday, March 18, 2010

Tiger's text messages revealed

Porn Star, Joslyn James, released all of the text messages sent to her from Tiger Woods during their affair. The almost 100 messages are extremely graphic; discussing three ways, golden showers and violent acts. In one message Tiger says "(I'm gonna)hold you down while i choke you... Then im going to tell you to shut the F--- up while i slap your face and pull your hair for making noise".

Now, whenever we bring up Tiger Woods I get a flood of messages from "holier-than-thou" people saying that they don't care about this story... So if you aren't the least bit interested in seeing all of the texts, and reading the disgusting things Tiger Woods is into, don't make this link to all of Tiger's texts the most visited link on the website today.

Update: 2:51pm - Too late, almost 1,000 hits in the first half hour... nice try, though.

1 comment:

  1. He never spent more than 4 hrs with her.. how sad and he is all i'm not going anywhere meanwhile he was schtuping everything with a hole. JERK!


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