Friday, March 26, 2010

Money saving tip of the week

A college in Wisconsin says it will save money by changing its default font on its e-mail system. The old font was Arial and they say changing it to Century Gothic will use 30% less ink. They say the cost of printer ink works out to about $10,000 per gallon. The change sounds minor, but it will save money on printer ink when students print out e-mails in the new font, which could add up to real savings. The decision is part of the school’s five-year plan to go green. School officials say it’s great that a change that’s eco-friendly also saves money.

If you print out a ton of emails, this may be a good idea...

1 comment:

  1. Here's a tip that people don't usually think about: get a pay as you go cell phone instead of a contract phone and save over $40 a month. Net10 has cell phones for $30 at Target. They cost 10 cents a minute and 5 cents a text. Super cool phones. Only problem is you need to moderate how much you talk in order to see real savings.

    Great phone and great way to save money.


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