Monday, March 15, 2010

Even I'm getting sick of seeing myself in print

If you missed the Poughkeepsie Journal's cover story on me in this Sunday's Lifestyles section click here for the full story.


  1. Please get over yourself ! Your not as good as you think, your lucky and you have a job.

  2. That part of the newspaper went straight to the litter box.

  3. It's about time the rest of the Hudson Valley recognized what we've known for years: Boris is GOD!!!!

  4. Steve From Po-townMarch 16, 2010 at 3:35 PM

    Nerd, stop playing the Chili peppers for christ sake!

  5. All you have to do is grow a goatee and become anti-Boris again.
    Give in to your anger, your facial fur will make you strong.
    It is your desssstiny.

    In the beginning there was BORIS, and BORIS was bored.
    So Boris said to BORIS, "Hey BORIS."
    "Hey Boris." replied BORIS.
    "Hey, I obtain mud!" interjected B0r1S.
    "Dude, shut up." said BORIS and Boris.
    And in this fashion the world was made.
    Then BORIS said to Boris, "Wish there was some music."
    "What's that?" said Boris.
    "[censored] RAWKS!" chanted a metal gear bedecked B0r1S.
    "That's it, I'm killing him." said BORIS.
    "Not if I beat you to it." stated Boris.
    And so, after many years of pursuit, BORIS and Boris trapped B0r1S inside a radio station, and lo it was called WRRV.


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