Tuesday, February 9, 2010

PSA from the UK is pretty cool...

This is a Public Service Announcement that started airing last week in the UK. It was created by the Sussex Safer Roads Partnership to help promote seatbelt use. How come in the US we're subjected to the same PSA with the no-fingered creepy smoking lady over and over again, while in England they get to watch cool stuff like this?


  1. wow that was really moving...i'd nominate that for an oscar performance

  2. Yes much better then the black lung or the brain being sawed in half and bleeding.

  3. you wouldn't see anything that cool in this country because it was one minute and 21 seconds long. In the USA it would only be 30 seconds. Viagra pays for a full minute because it's ever so much more important here!

  4. How is that creepy and beautiful at the same time?


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