Thursday, February 4, 2010

Miley Cyrus' younger sister is selling lingere

Miley Cyrus has a 9-year-old sister named Noah. She, along with one of Miley's co-stars in Hannah Montana named Emily Grace, have announced that they will be selling a line of lingerie for girls aged 9-14 for Ohh La La Couture. That's right LINGERE for 9-YEAR-OLDS! Of course, Miley and Noah's parents are totally on board with this idea.

Hey, here's an even better idea! They decided promote the line of lingere by having the little girls pose on a stripper pole. Seriously...

More at this link


  1. That's disgusting.

  2. please have a seat. Chris Hansen would like a word with you.

  3. This is just as bad as "Little Miss Perfect".. Why don't we just drive the pedophiles to the homes of these girls while we're at it - this is pathetic. From a mom of three kids, one is a girl, thank god she made it to 17 safe.

  4. well if you cant beat em join em


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